Sagada Province

Sagada is one of the six municipalities in the province of Mountain Province, known for its tranquil and undisturbed beauty.
Houses on top of the mountain
According to legend, Sagada was founded as ili or village by Biag, one of the the three siblings who was forced out from their own village by headhunters.  They settled in Candon but moved back to the mountains when baptism was enforced. He was pushed further until he came to what is now called Sagada. 
Rice terraces along the way to Bomod-Ok Falls
Sagada used to be submerged in the ocean billion years ago, and the proof of that can be seen inside the caves, fossilized seashells and the limestone-covered mountains.
Cliffs where some of the the coffins are hanging
Sagada is known for its hanging coffins, a traditional way of buying people that is still practiced today.  This practice, though, is not for all. One has to been married and had grandchildren in order to be buried in the hanging coffins. These coffins can be found on the cliff sides surrounding the town and in the caves. 
View along the way to Bomod-Ok Falls
If you are a nature lover and hate crowded places, then you must visit Sagada. Its caves, waterfalls and rice terraces are worth all the 14 hours travel. Sagada like many other provinces in the Philippines is also rich in history, another reason to visit. Due to its location, Sagada is also famous for it's cold weather and perfect sunrise. 
Native people of Mountain Province
Some of the tourists visit Sagada not only because of the beauty it offers but also of the indigenous people living there.  It's really interesting knowing the unique lives of the native Filipinos. 
Pines trees along the way to Echo Valley
I was to set foot in Sagada in 2010 but due to the weather condition it was cancelled. I really wanted to go, so when I had the chance to visit, I grabbed it and signed the waiver. 
View from the road going to Banaue
I was told that the travel time is from 12 to 15 hours, and even though I have a motion sickness, that didn't stop me. Sagada is a perfect place for photo enthusiast and my only regret that time is for not having a good camera to capture all the good views. 
Traveling to Sagada is no joke, not only because it's far, but also because of the dangerous terrain and hillside that often take a traveler life. So during our travel, even though I'm sleepy, I keep waking up to make sure we're still safe. 
For ease in traveling we got a package from a travel agency, which is good because the driver served as our photographer too. And we also need a well-experienced driver so we get there safely. They said the road to Baguio is dangerous, but it's nothing compare to the road going to Sagada. 
There was this one road that only one vehicle can pass and the other one has to find a perfect spot and wait for its turn. And when you look below the hillside, it's very scary to think what will happen if the van falls. 
The long hour of travel makes my legs almost numb and I wanted to get there already. When we finally stopped, it's to view the sunrise at the highest peak of 7,400 above sea level.

I have never been to any cold countries before so I'm not used to cold weather. By the time I got out of the van my body was trembling. Even taking pictures or smiling, is a struggle. I have never enjoyed the kiss of the sunlight on my skin like that time. It feels so good specially when it's that cold. 
What I love most when I visited Sagada is that they provide accredited tour guide through Tourism Offfice at the Town Hall. They even show you their certification if you have even a slight doubt about them. No one is allowed to enter the caves without a tour guide, so make sure you drop by at the Town Hall before doing so.
Sagada is really an amazing place and if you think you can't come back anytime soon, make sure your visit will worth it. But make sure to leave some places so you have the reason to come back. 

People in Sagada, even though they live in the Philippines, have different cultures and belief, so respect them.

Planning on going? Please click here on how to get to Sagada from Manila.

For places to see, please click here

Love food? Make sure to try the unique taste but delicious food in Sagada. Please click here.

Sagada gets really cold, so most of the accommodations there have a hot shower. Click here for cheap and nice accommodations.

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